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Sealed AIR Svenska AB

Sealed Air is a leading global provider of packaging solutions that integrate sustainable, high-performance materials, automation, equipment and services. 
What we do
We design, manufacture and delivers packaging solutions that preserve food, protect goods and automate packaging processes. We deliver our packaging solutions to an array of end markets including fresh proteins, foods, fluids and liquids, medical and life science, e-commerce retail, logistics and omnichannel fulfillment operations, and industrials. 
Our brands
Our globally recognized solution brands include CRYOVAC® food packaging, LIQUIBOX® liquids systems, SEALED AIR® protective packaging, AUTOBAG® brand automated packaging systems, and BUBBLE WRAP® brand packaging.

Sealed AIR Svenska AB
Norra Industriomradet
Påtorpsvägen 2
578 23 Aneby
VAT nummer: SE5562098979
ISO 9001
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