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Success Case: Track & trace with smart AI

Read direct part marking codes for track & trace with smart AI. The most difficult 1D & 2D codes can easily be handle and secure the whole process in the manufactory.

 Barcode readers save time, money & reduce waste.

Background to Recab Solution
A Swedish metal manufacturer had problems with reading DPM (Direct Part Marking) codes for track and trace applications. The product goes thru several stages like heating and panting etc. The code must be readable thru the whole process.

Challenge for the Team Players at Recab
Due to variation in light and reflections the code reader customer used was not able to read such codes. The time and waste of material on misreading becomes very costly and thus not profitable.

Solution for the customer
Recab went out at customer site and set up our code readers with the smart artificial intelligence software. The system then optimizes the settings to be able to read the code. The code could then be read with accuracy. The product that solve the problem is Keyence SR-1000 and SR-2000 series – a fixed mount readers with an easy handling for the customer.

Facts Keyence SR-Series for 1D & 2D reading
The Keyence SR-Series is an automatic focus code reader. Reading the most difficult 1D and 2D codes is made simple through the introduction of new features including automatic tuning, auto-focus, and built-in polarization.

Best-in-class performance is paired with built-in I/O and field network functionality, including EtherNet/IP and Profinet, to allow for easy integration with any system. The SR-1000 is available as a standard type and a wide-field type (SR-1000W). 

On the Recab webbsite there is a free datasheet for download of the system available. 

Benefits for the customer
The Customer get a reliable system to read DPM codes for track and trace. Customer also use this in many processes in the factory, where different forms of code reading are required to ensure the integrity of the process, mainly on metal objects. he codes could then be sent to remote quality system for logging. The codes are readable during all manufacturing processes. 

Extra Facts – What is Barcode/Two-dimensional Code Verification?
“Barcode verification” refers to checking the marking quality of CODE39, CODE128, and EAN barcodes. Barcodes are used in a variety of fields such as FA, distribution, food, wholesale, and medical products.

“Two-dimensional code verification” refers to checking the marking quality of DataMatrix symbols and QR code symbols. Two-dimensional codes have spread to a wide variety of fields, and there are many cases in which the same two-dimensional code is read at multiple work sites.

Examples include between automotive parts suppliers and automobile manufacturers, between medicine manufacturers and pharmacies, and between smartphone module manufacturers and assembly manufacturers.

Two-dimensional codes are marked on key parts at the part or module manufacturer and are read at the assembly manufacturer. This makes it possible to obtain information such as the product characteristics and serial number, which is put to use in maintaining production and quality.Barcodes or two-dimensional codes that are difficult to read hinder productivity. Various code verification standards have been developed as quantitative guidelines aimed at eliminating this problem.

Link to Recab’s range of Keyence (Available in Sweden and Norway)

Welcome to contact us for solutions, products or support:  info@recab.com

Recab Sweden 
Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00

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Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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